Ascended Master Wisdom

 Channeled Messages, Teachings, Lessons and Information


 Let there be Light!  Most kind regards to all!

 God bless you and your family!


Mission Statement

Is to provide information from the Ascended Masters, our elder brothers and sisters who have gone before us and broken the bonds of karma from this physical plane we call earth.  The Ascended Masters desire to help every man, woman and child to step forward, and on to the path of ascension, as it is our God given birthright.  The Ascended Masters are wonderful Beings of Love and Light.  They stand ready to help all who make the call and are willing to change.

Through the guidance, teachings and lessons of these Heavenly Hosts, our mission is one of service to Father-Mother God, Creator of All.  To share this information so we can all grow together on this Path of Light.  We desire to raise our vibration, do The Will of God in concert with The Holy Spirit and seek Communion with our Higher Holy Christ Self.  And in doing so, to merge our lower bodies, mind and heart with our Divine I AM Presence through Christ. (The Ascension, that is "to climb the highest mountain" in case you've wondered.)

Greetings and love to all of brothers and sisters who seek light, knowledge and to raise their vibration. And along the way we may acquire a better understanding of why things are, commonly know as the study of metaphysics.  Pending the resources of time, money and energy, our goal is to support this website and post messages and information on a regular basis so that all may receive at no cost.  We also desire to have the resources to take requests for healings, have a FAQ's area and more.

Thank you for your patience.  Please check back once in a while.


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Date:  July 24th, 2012

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