Ascended Master El Morya

April 15th, 2002 

My brother, St. Germain, has come with me.  There are many things to tell you.  We are deciding which things that would be best at this time.  These are trying times for the earth.  There is much taking place.  There is much excitement among the Heavenly places.  There is much sorrow is the underlying places.  Much of the things taking place are karma from past energies and group karma of past generations.  Israel will continue to be agitated until the end.  Things are coming quickly and time is speeding up.  Many earth changes are taking place as Master St. Germain has given to you and to others so that you may know and not be afraid. 

The Heavenly Father does not wish to bring fear upon those that love Him and serve Him.  And so He has given the prophecies to those people that are His.  The other people have no fear, and are foolish.  There is more terrorism approaching.  Some will be in your country, some will be in their own country, fighting amongst themselves.  And, some will be in Europe.  Europe will soon be at razors’ edge between countries.  Trying times will come upon them.

The Brotherhood has taken on the responsibility of giving the messages to the people of the earth so that they may believe and may be sustained.  Do not think that your Heavenly Father has forsaken you.  You must realize the intensity of the negativity that is upon the earth at this time.  It has compiled for many, many years. 

Have faith and believe, Dear Ones, for now is the test of Faith.  Hold fast to what you believe, and to the promises made by the Prophets.  For God has heard your cries and is merciful.  Remember the sermon upon the mount by the Christ.  He has given you direction.  Remember the beatitudes.  These are virtues most pleasing to the Father.  Many have hardened their hearts against kindness and in living with one another have become bitter. 

Each day is a blessing for you, my Dear One.  It is important to understand that each day is a gift, whether it seemed good or bad to you.  What you accomplish in a day, that day wanes into the night, and again, brings you another day. However that day may be, it is a gift of time and a blessing to you to make things new and different and to resolve and to change.  And to begin, and to end, that which you must do.  Take heart and look forward to the days that are coming.  Although they may seem woeful to you, they are truly blessings and gifts.

St. Germain, my Brother, is with me and he has given to the messengers who developed the maps a new one.  For there has been some changes made by the Hierarchy.  You may be interested in seeking these maps out for yourself, so that you may be aware of what is being changed. 

There will be many natural disasters as I have told you before.  They are coming soon.  Earthquakes and volcanoes.  Things will be made new, and those who have terrorized the people, have in a sense caused those who took things for granted to take a better look and count their blessings.  Some have done so, but many only do so in the presence of disaster, then go on to live their lives as though nothing had happened.  Many of these disasters are there just for that purpose, so they may turn their hearts toward God.  And also that they understand God is their source and not themselves.  They have not heeded the warnings and many have become bitter.

Yes, there are times coming for those who are terrorists.  And it is much greater than those things that you will see take place shortly.  There is much more coming but I cannot tell you all of it this evening.  Those things of which I have told you this evening are many.  Those things you may meditate upon and pray.  And remember that in your prayers and meditations that it is God’s Will that you want fulfilled.  For it is the Will of God that settles all things that are negative, and makes all things new.  And changes all things for the better.  You must trust in His decisions as to how He does these things and believe. 

You will not know the answers to these things that come to pass, but you must know that it is the Will of God, and it is important that you understand this.  The other thing you must understand was given to King Solomon, to fear God.  Know His mighty Presence and all the things that He can do.  In fearing God and His Powers, you will know He will defeat the enemy. 

I have given you many things.  This is enough for you bear this evening.  This is a world message.  You must give it to others. 

It is with Love that I guide you. And because of our Love we have sent you these messages.  We want you to become steadfast.  We celebrate the belief that those who have held on to the Word of God and have been sustained.  

My Dear Ones, keep pure in heart.  Contemplate the goodness of the Father and His Beloved Son.  He is the Manifestation of love for all mankind and the universe.  He will be coming back to you soon. 

This message is for all.  Until I speak with you again, I shall remain,

El Morya

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