Ascended Master El Morya

November 19th, 2001


Beloved Chelas,

To all of you, I wish above all things, that you have abundance. Abundance in all things in life, they are all yours for the asking, because the Father has said so to you. If you ask these things, in the name of Jesus the Christ, they shall be yours. Meditate upon these circles, that works so well like cogs (gears) together. One begets another and another. They work in unison and harmony with each other. They work easily together and they work happily together. And they all work in love.  Love is in all things and Love is God and God is Love.

Love is also a virtue; it is an emotion, it is in all things. It is a life force for all living things. Many times one becomes depressed because of feeling a lack of love. It is the drawing away of love that causes the opposing thing to come upon you, illness, depression and negativity. When we are in the Love and in the Light and at One with God, then we are happy and balanced. But if we are not feeling that love, that light and that security, then we are beginning to feel the opposing force in our lives. When we feel these opposing forces then we know we are not in the love and we are not using the abundance that was given to us as a gift. One must return to that point in which he was bathed in the Light and in the Love where everything is perfect. It is a very simple law, yet it may take some grasping to understand and some practice. So therefore this will be the lesson for you this evening. 

There is much information here, yet perhaps you feel I have said little. It is important for all of you to understand this law.  Once you understand it you will find it much easier to be in that love and to return back to that love if you find it fading or disintegrating in your life. Or you find that you’re been pulled away from it. This will make you realize where you really can be. Understand dear ones, it is very simple - God is Love, His Presence is within you and around you. He does not leave you, ever.  You’re his. Little ones do not be afraid. You’re very life essence is surrounded by the God Force. It keeps you living and breathing.  It is the root and essence of life of all things seen and unseen. With that, beloved, I will leave you with this message. 

I shall remain, El Morya


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