Ascended Master El Morya

October 23rd, 2006

Beloved, I AM Morya.  We are speaking to you about religions.  This is quite controversial for those that are there, and for those who seek to affiliate with hybridized religions.  But those who are bound to the scriptural readings need to read the letters to the churches, as they do point out things about present-day dogmas.  There are many things of ancient peoples that relate to now because, as you may have read, the past, present and future are all one.  As you gain more knowledge, or grasping this information, you will see that the life that is around you, or the life that you are involved in, and the surroundings that you have are all creations of what you have co-created. 

Now many people are not going to agree with that because they are very unhappy.  But let us go back to cause and effect, and the Egyptians.  It was their cause and effect that promoted a lot of their magic.  And that sent them to where many of them are now.  Because they believed they went to the west, and prepared for a physical life, they are now living among you.  So you must consider cause and effect. And so how you deal with energy is a matter of the past present and future is now, and things become holographic, which becomes your “reality”.  But you see, what you think is reality is your holographic life being played out.  The (real) reality is the higher vibrational dimensions.  Your dense physical plane has the feeling of reality because of the denseness.  True life is in spirit - the higher vibration.  Understanding this will solve a lot of problems with trying to figure out why did this happen, or unhappiness about your own lives. 

Now, some of the situations in people’s lives have to do with groups, mind-control, and national religion, for lack of a better word.  Entire countries now have the belief system as a “block” of people; an entity if you will, because of the governmental system.  And when that happens, you are no longer individuals.  So that entity that you joined with will also have the cause and effect energy.  Keep in mind that things can change.  Because you have free will, you can change this course.  So therefore, remember this when making decisions.  Because what you have now is what you have created for yourself.  If you aren’t happy with the way things are for yourself, you have the ability to change.  Change is going to be as hard or as easy as you create it to be.  Remember, the past, present and future are all one, and are at your disposal; also the cause and effect.  Do you understand?  So you are the sum of all the creations within yourself and your world. 

Now, it is true that reincarnation exists.  Because you are the sum of all your experiences, you have unconsciously brought them with you to each lifetime.  Isn’t it true that you have experienced an ability that you thought you knew nothing about?  It is true that the western culture does not embrace this.  But it is out of fear that they have chosen (with others as a group) not to.  Keep in mind that your past lives need not overshadow the life you are working on today.  And some who are aware of this want to know immediately who they were before.  That will eventually come up as karma, and visual karmic pictures will release from your blood system at the proper time.  Your karmic patterns, along with your DNA, etc. are in your bloodstream. 

If you say, “this isn’t what I wanted!” you will find that you unconsciously created an atmosphere with perhaps outside influences by your choices, or you were not explicit in your decisions.  Words have a vibrational energy of their own, also.  Choose wisely!  And check out your future! You will be successful in whatever you create!  Back to the Egyptians -  those that were sent here and believed in the west - many of them continue to build and produce art and medicine and cosmetics as they did in their past.  You can see it around you, if you are conscious of it.  They have brought their knowledge with them in this life.  And if you can understand that the past, present and future are all the same, then you will understand that these people were also from the future.

Yes, there are some aliens that live among you.  But remember - there is only the now, because it is the past and the future made up of holographic images.  Life will be easier if this is understood.  Life is multi-dimensional, and everyone is spirit with a body that has become more important than life itself.  The body is merely another creation by you.  Worship of the body is even another.  We’ll discuss the laws that affect the body later.  I Am happy to give this information to you so that people may find out the truth.  I must tell you that the dogma of world religions are cementing the people in more and more.  This information is being given so they have a choice to change.  And in a short time, many will not be able to change.  So it is, that this information, has been needed to be available to all, as a new window of time is now here.

Kindest regards, Morya 


September 10th, 2007

My dear ones, I AM Morya of the Brotherhood for mankind and God.

You are torn to remember a sad day.  Be glad for the miracle of life.  Send the thought that love never dies, but lives on.  Order establishes itself because of the Natural Laws.  Despair creates more food for war.  Send no malice, settle all things with love.  Be in the present, for there, (the present) is also the past and future.  There is no time and space, only now.  Believe it and it is done.  Send this message to all.

El Morya


August 2nd, 2010 - A Short Lesson on Forgiveness

I would like all people to know that while you are among each other on this earth plane, when you forgive you are forgiven; that when you’ve done wrong, make it right.  Forgiveness releases the seeds and roots that create bitterness, anger and resentment among other problems.  It is the basis of many illnesses.  To heal yourself, you must have forgiveness.  I employ you to love yourself and transfer it to others.  You will find the spark of Christ in each other.  In doing so, you will break the bond of negativity between each other and healing will begin.  Let us take the first step.  Remember, as you forgive you will be forgiven.  Ask for forgiveness also.  Practice this daily.  It is cleansing for the heart, mind and stomach to do these things.

May you be blessed!

Kindest Regards, I AM El Morya

(A note from the male messenger.)

These lessons/messages are for all, including the Channel and myself.  Over the years my Celestial Guardian (Guardian Angel) has commented to me a few times, “that it is, hard to climb a ladder looking down.”  Part of what he wanted me to understand was that anger, bitterness and resentment are heavy baggage while you’re trying to raise your vibration, climb up the mountain (to Your I AM Presence / Divine Monad) so to speak and progress spiritually.  Along with the main lesson of: to look to the future, your goals and not the past.  Also, if you can’t make it right in person, then say a prayer.  Or visualize that person, instant or circumstance and say:  Please forgive me, I am sorry, I love you, thank you. (The first three are interchangeable.)  Remember, all prayers, thoughts and words go out in the universe and to those that they are directed to, whether on the earth plane, in spirit or have reincarnated. 

Another Guide commented recently (May 2011) that not releasing unpleasant things from the past was like mental leftovers.  That was good for a laugh and we all know what happens to leftovers after a short time.  Love and Light to all!


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