Ascended Master St. Germain - 2002/3

April 22nd, 2002 

Good evening dear ones, I am St. Germain. Blessings upon you.  I have come to speak to you this evening because of changes in the lessons of previous times.  I have written about the alchemy and the changing of many things in many forms and many ways. (I see that your household is heavy with sorrow because of the passing of a loved person.)  And this too, relates to many changes. You have many questions concerning this transformation, because it is a transformation from one side of life through the door to another.  You ask if it is a birth on the other side, in a sense yes.  But it is also a continuation, yet a new change, a transformation because although there are things that are made new, there are also things that must be dealt with from the past.  Prayers for mercy will be heard on behalf of those having earthly addictions.  Many wish to tend to those who return to us on this side and many of them need nurturing.  We are most willing to do this for them and many spend their time here doing so lovingly.  But prayers of mercy, for these ones are much needed and not a lot of prayers go to those who have passed on.  It is important to pray for those who have come back to us, as those who are yet with you and for their souls and progression.  It is most important in order for them to complete the transformation. There is more time spent in the Bardo unless there are more prayers.  I’m hoping that this message will lighten your hearts and help you through this time of sadness.

Prayer for the dead does many things.  It helps them to transform more quickly and adjust to this side of life.  It also provides mercy and petitions for that person.  It also provides healing for the soul, as many need healing when they return to us.

Your country has been most blessed with the gifts of freedom, and for several hundred years many of you have received these gifts from the bounty of God.  And the freedom to do that which you desire and the freedom to dream dreams and realize those dreams.  You are still free to choose, and to do these things, and it is a fine gift. As my brother El Morya has told you before, in his recent messages to you, that there are many changes taking place quickly.  Because you have been given these gifts for several hundred years many people have not taken advantage of these wonderful opportunities of this freedom.  And many have not considered it a blessing to have this freedom.  And that is quite unfortunate.  There are many things coming to pass quite suddenly and will restrict these wonderful gifts.  These restrictions must happen so the earth changes come about. And not so much as a karmic debt, but as an opportunity for negativity to present itself.  Because there is the freedom, it allows room for the negativity to work within the system.

These things must come to pass so that other things pass, as in the life of Jesus: the Pharisees and the soldiers of Pilot, and of Caesar.  All of the things that came to pass seemed very negative around Jesus. Those things had to work within the system in order to provide the end result.

My message to you this evening was concerning transitional changes and praying for those who have passed on.  Because the mass consciousness and that’s of those people that are where you are, feel on a whole that prayers for those who have passed on are not worthy of being prayed for because they are dead.  This is untrue.  It was the Master Jesus who said to pray for the living and the dead.  And these people are forgotten and not prayed for.  It is my petition to those who are living, that they may serve those who have passed on.  Mercy begets mercy.  No matter who or where the deceased person is, prayers will go where you send them and the energy will follow.  No prayer for the living or the dead is ever lost.  There is only change, and prayer provides that change, and that healing and that opportunity for others and for your selves.  Because as you send out, it will come back to you.

It is my belief, as I see how people act, they do not believe this is true. Therefore I have come to give this message so that you may understand this is an important service.  You are most welcome and deserving of this message my dear ones.  Please understand that we need more concerned people to serve those who have made this transition, as people are not understanding this.  Perhaps now there will be more. We are most grateful you are willing to receive this information and to share it with others.  Until the next meeting of information. 

Kindest regards, I am St. Germain


January 23rd, 2003

Beloved, I’ve come to the messengers of the Brotherhood so that the Seven Masters will speak.  May you be blessed.  Sisters and Brothers, my servants for Source and of The Divine Principle, you sow seeds of change.  Are you aware of certain mountains that must be scaled? You surely must know how high to climb.  You surmise the wisdom of my words but not the reality.  Some see the mountain but are not aware of the treachery involved. Some only see the end result. Some worry about it and some make the grade. Suit your needs.  May I say that it is how you get to the top that matters, not that you just get there.  Minimum mountain climbing is best, but not always the most achieved.  May I tell you to focus on the top and send the energy to the end result.  My dear ones, the wise man will save his energy and do it easily.  Move mountains my chelas, you are ready to do so.  Make your mission to save energy.  You’ll need it later.  Believe in Source and mission is accomplished.  Service is by servant to Beloved Source.  You are saving energy.  Become the Source, more energy.  Believe, as you are One and become the mountain.  And The Mighty I AM truly is with you.  This is your message for this evening.

I AM St. Germain of the Violet Flame


August 12th, 2003

My name is St. Germain.  My words are true.  Message is to my sisters of The Violet Flame.  My sisters watch out, sisters your children are in danger of the soul-taker.  Many are not aware of those who seal the soul away from the Most High Creator.  Now make a pact over them to see that you teach them some simple, sensitive stories of will and of choice so they choose well and not of temptation.  My sisters, be of the future!  There is much temptation, to do the much more tempting thing, than to pray and seek separation from the sinners.  My blessing to you, for the studious will seek you out. 

St. Germain

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