Ascended Master St. Germain - 2005 

January 17th, 2005 

I AM St. Germain of the violet flame.  Love is the answer.  Many truly do not see the reason for these Earth changes.  Love is the answer.  We are making many attempts to have more people see things in a true light.  We are working to make people see us, in One Universal Work, to have all people One People. (In Spirit, not government or religion.) 

Money is not all things.  What is it that woos the people to it?  No wrong doing for the sake of money is worth it, as the universal laws even all things out.  Believe in the Most High God; the Mighty I AM Presence - the True God of His word.  And His Son from whom all blessings flow.  Jesus is a Brother and service to mankind; this time to truly become the Ruler of God’s Kingdom, and there is a bright and wonderful future there. 

The time now is coming for more disasters.  They must come because no one is letting more love in. The money is still their god.  One cannot make any work of the soul manifest, when the ego’s work becomes the most important.  It’s sad to say that the works of the United States are in trouble.  I AM the mediator for freedom, and I AM the worker for the Americas.  It is what my name stands for.

I AM of the violet ray and I AM helping the people of mourning.  They will be of service to God because they have learned the value of life.  But those of no value of life will be tested and found wanting.  No one is immune.  The second shift of the Earth’s axis is coming soon.  There will be wickedness uncovered in the top level of the U.S. government.  God’s Law prevails!

 Love to you all, St. Germain


February 27th, 2005

I AM St. Germain of the Violet Ray.  Blessings, be seated and try to understand this message. My surrender to truth is of most importance.  I AM of the Violet Ray.  Sanat Kumara will be with me in this message.  More of this unrest must continue but only to change the hearts of men.  White light will seek God Energy and Love will win.  Write this to the people.  May God bless and keep you all in His Love.  My name is St. Germain.  Truth and God’s Law must prevail.  Man’s law is shameful to God.  No justice, no truth and no love except for Self since you (man) have chosen Self once again as before.  God must serve what is chosen.

My sons and daughters of God are praying so that the ones who are blind will be enlightened.  Yet there is no one praying for the ones who choose rightly.  Watch what is happening before you!  Many go along with what is not right for the sake of belonging.  They will receive the karma of their peers.  This is what happened in Sodom & Gomorrah.  Do not let others take your gift of choice.  But you blindly give it to those who do not value it!  Why?  You must do what is right!  It is God’s Law!  Use God’s Law of Truth!  It will set you free!  My wisdom is surrender to the truth.

My name is Sanat Kumara.  Our work is secret to those who have chosen not to see.  A minute more is a minute missed.  Do more seeing and less hiding from the truth.

 I AM THAT I AM, Sanat Kumara


March 7th, 2005

I AM St. Germain of the Violet Ray and servant to the Americas.  The Violet Flame is around you.  Babaji is also with me.  Before I speak, will you say the blessed servant’s decree with me?  Beloved, I AM ……

First I must say truth is a word of virtue.  Yet everyone wants the wisdom of Truth, but fears it and surrounds themselves with “white lies”. Somehow they find this comforting and pleased that they succeed in misleading information.  Misinterpretations are “white lies” in ways of wishing to disguise what words really say.  What is wrong, is wanting people to believe what you want them to believe by manipulation.  (Sorcery in your translated scriptures.)  Yes, - some scriptures have been misinterpreted.  Your heart is the finder of Truth – therein God abides.

 With respect to these messages you shall find Truth is a sensation – a feeling.  It is not separate and more simple to understand if you feel instead of rationalize.

About these messages:  Some will read and understand.  Some will read and not understand.  Some will not read. 

My name is St. Germain.  I AM of the Seventh Ray

My name means Freedom.   HITAKA! (Sanskrit)

Yes – truly, I AM St. Germain.


August 25, 2005

My writing to you this evening is to tell you of the serious oil situation with Muslim countries and the U.S.  No one is under my supervision, but mortality will be high and no one will win.  Wicked ones are the underwriters of this war.  More insurgents make more trouble and soldiers will not make any difference.  No sense to send them; each time they must go, every man is near murder.  Send no more.  Beloved I AM always with Source.  Some know this.  Send over this message.  Revelations are in the making and the time is at hand.  Students of the Sacred Fire, send this message.  My beloved ones in the Light, stay vigilant through this time of trouble.  Many must leave the earth plane to be safe.  South Africa is to start more wars.  New surrender to evil makes life there a nightmare.  Send them love and peace.  Santi!! (Sanskrit) My chelas of the Violet Fire, need I say more?  This message is for all.

I  AM, St. Germain


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